Student loan repayments begin again on October 1st. This affects your credit and monthly budget. Please watch this short video to learn more.
Understanding Tax Ramifications When Selling Your Home
Considering a sale of your primary residence? Make sure the IRS doesn't ruin your day! Please watch this short video to learn more.
Home prices crashing? Not really…
Now is the best time to own as home prices have stabilized. Please watch this short video to learn more.
Curious about the value of your home? Joe has a great no cost tool to help
Property vaalues have gone up but what's your home worth today? Please watch this short video to learn more.
Wondering about the interest rates? Joe shares where we’re going.
Banking Crisis, Another Fed Rate Hike, what and where are rates heading? Please watch this short video to learn more.
$500 or less Medical Collections – Now a thing of the past!
Wait, good news from the Credit Reporting Agencies? Please watch this short video to learn more.
Investment Property Hack? Easiest way to own your next rental
Want to own your first or next rental property? You already do! Watch this short video to learn more.
Is a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) the right option?
HELOCs are a great way to tap the equity in your home but with the Prime Rate continuing to rise, are they the right fit? Please watch this short video to learn more.
Will the new 2023 loan limits help you?
Effective immediately, the new loan limits make it even easier to own a new home. Please watch this short video to learn more.
Potential IRS Audit Red Flags
As we approach year end, be aware of these gotchas to avoid a potential IRS Audit. Please watch this short video to learn more.
Meet Joe
Joe and the team at Latitude Lending provide clients with an experience that is like pressing the “easy” button for what can be a daunting and complicated matter for home ownership.
– Joe Libin