Did you get an email that your loan was just transferred? Please watch this short video to learn more.
House Renovation Journey, here’s how it starts!
House Renovation Journey, here's how it starts!
Did you get an email that your loan was just transferred? Please watch this short video to learn more.
House Renovation Journey, here's how it starts!
Discover the surprising resistance of housing prices in SL County along with the future outlook for the next two years.
A no-cost appraisal with 1-0 Buy Down. Watch to learn more! If you have any questions, please reach out!
Quick update on the real estate market in 2023, both nationally and here in Utah. Learn about the low number of home sales, the pent-up demand, and the impact of Millennials and Baby Boomers on the market. I'll also touch on interest rates and their historical...
Joe covers highlights from the 2024 Bold Predictions broadcast and next year is shaping up to be pretty good! Please watch this short video to learn more.
Joe shares insight and opportunity on how these limits may benefit you or a loved one. Please watch this short video to learn more.
Wonderful new promotion to help buyers save on their payment for the first year while getting a free appraisal. Please watch this short video to learn more.
Joe shares insight from the Kem Gardner Institute at the University of Utah about the upcoming housing shortage and how it effects you. Please watch this short video to learn more.
2024 loan limits increasing by 3.25% + housing shortage, not crash projected. Please watch this short video to learn more.
Proactively reach out to your existing clients with this fun, easy item of value giving them and you a reason to reconnect for referrals. Please watch this short video to learn more.
Joe and the team at Latitude Lending provide clients with an experience that is like pressing the “easy” button for what can be a daunting and complicated matter for home ownership.
– Joe Libin